I love going to the hair salon. More than getting the cut and curl, I love the shampoo. Imagine with me for a moment sitting in the chair being draped ceremoniously with the foam strip around your neck and the big plastic cape. You sit back against the cold porcelain sink and lay your head in some one’s capable hands. The shampooer first runs a spray of warm water through hair to get it nice and wet, then she pumps the shampoo in her hands and begins to lather the shampoo into your hair. At first, if your hair is really polluted, the suds won’t get foamy. The shampoo will lather, but there is resistance. The dirt or the pollutants don’t want to budge from their comfort zone until shampooer rinses you hair again with warm soothing water. Her hands massage your head, your temples, and the back of your neck as she starts the lathering process again. This time the stubborn pollutants that were holding on for dear life have loosened, have lessened their grip and are making room for the nutrients in the shampoo to bond to your hair. Once again, the lather is rinsed from the hair and the hair gets to assess the world and see it in a new light. It is no longer clouded in pollutants, but dressed in a new shiny enclosure that makes the world look better and brighter. Your hair stands out; it uses the new light and the new coat of shiny armor to look its best. It chooses to flow freely and be open to new styles and new cuts. Are you ready to shed the pollutants, the old way of thinking? Are you open to learning? Can you lather?
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