Sunday, October 30, 2011

It Really Is Your Choice

I heard a quote today that says it all, "it begins with you and it ends with you."  In essence you make the decisions that determine your destiny, so that decision begins with you determining how its going to end for you.  Your life is your choice. 

With that said, I am seriously thinking about my writing career.  Where do I begin to take me where I want it to end.  I want a career that is self-sustaining.  No more bosses, no more j-o-b-s that define me or my level of income, I want freedom.  I want the freedom to constantly create using words, those beautiful things made of letters that convey meaning, evoke emotion, and take you on travels through time and space and even create reality for us all.  Remember, God said, "Let there be light," and there was light. The whole world began with words, His Words.  And we all began to follow suit, "Let there be cars. Let there be computers.  Let there be war and peace."  You get the picture.

So today, I take heart to the quote "it begins..." and I begin to fully charge ahead toward freedom to exercise God's gift of words.


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