Sunday, March 27, 2011

Quote of the Day - March 27, 2011

"Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony."
Mohandas Gandhi

Friday, March 25, 2011

A Free E-Book Copy of Dreams Thrown Away

My novel, Dreams Thrown Away, is an e-book on Kindle. Let me know if you win, and I will give you a free download.
In appreciation of our Kindle fans on Facebook, we are giving away a free Kindle 3G to ten randomly selected fans. NO PURCHASE NECESSARY. Ends 3/31/11.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

B&N bestseller list for self-published authors]

B&N bestseller list for self-published authors]

Saturday, March 19, 2011


In 2009, I embarked on a magnificent journey.  I had written my first novel, and I wanted to hold it in my hand in book form.  But, all I had was a manuscript and a decision to make.  I could submit it to traditional publishers, but I didn’t have an agent.  I could find an agent, but how long would that take?  I was an inpatient author with a finished, edited book with very little cash.  But, I looked anyway and found a plethora of publishing options.  I compared and compared and decided on a print-on-demand self-publishing organization called Outskirts Press that delivered my beautiful, professionally bound baby in just a few short months.  I submitted it in April and it was released in August.  It was a wonderful first time experience as well as a gratifying learning experience.   I am going to continue to share the basics you need to know about self-publishing in this blog to help you get off to a faster start than I did and be able to make fact-based decisions whether to go traditional, independent, or print-on-demand.  I am going to outline what features or aspects to consider, so you can meet your self-publishing needs. 
 For more comprehensive information on self-publishing, I do recommend these three books:
1.       Dan Poynter’s Self-Publishing Guide:  How to Write, Sell, and Print Your Own Books by Dan Poynter.
2.       Complete Guide to Self-Publishing - Everything You Need to Know to Write, Publish, Promote, and Sell Your Own Book by Tom and Marilyn Ross.
3.       The Well-Fed Self-Publisher-How to Turn One Book into a Full-Time Living by Peter Bowerman.
There is a ton of information available out there, but that can be quite daunting.   I hope to help you get to the nuts and bolts then expand as needed in the direction of your choice. 

The Complete Guide to Self-Publishing: Everything You Need to Know to Write, Publish, Promote and Sell Your Own Book

Monday, March 14, 2011


So you have written the book, or you have almost finished it and the last thing you want to do is wait to go through the traditional channels.  Or, you are a control freak and you can’t stand the thought of someone meddling with your masterpiece.  You are not willing to change a word.  You want to pick your own cover or choose your own profit margin.  That is why you have begun to think of self-publishing.  But then, what?  Here are four tips to keep in mind as you begin your journey.
1.       There is a difference between truly self-publishing and purchasing a print-on-demand publishing package.  Do your research.
2.       Hire a professional editor.  Not everyone who edits knows how to edit a novel or non-fiction book.  There is a big difference between editing term papers, technical papers, or a set of bylaws.  Get a reference.  Read the finished work of another author who has hired him or her.
3.       Start marketing your book early in the game and never stop marketing it.  You are your number one salesperson.
4.       Be prepared to give bookstores deep discounts. Whatever you do, don’t price yourself off the book shelf.
Hope this gives that small, still voice inside you that says “I can do this” a real place to start.  Let me know if this helped.  I wish I had researched a tad bit more when I self-published Dreams Thrown Away, my romantic suspense novel that I will always continue to market, especially when its sequel is released this summer.  If you get a chance, read it!  It is also available in Kindle format.