Two years ago this summer, I released my first novel with the half expectation that people were just going to buy it. Why? “Because just like in the Field of Dreams, if I built it they would come.” How hard are you laughing right now? I learned very quickly that there is another component to wanting to write a book. That component, you also want to sell a book. And, here is the common sense theme that didn’t sink in quite so fast, the only people that will buy your book are the people who have 1) heard of it, 2) found the cover interesting enough to stop if it’s on a book shelf, and 3) found the description intriguing enough to open a few pages then walk out the store with it, or order it online.
After selling copies to all my friends and family, I began the journey of learning how to market my book. Here are a few things I learned and a few things you should know before following the same path.
1. Marketing is an investment and the return on investment (ROI) may take years.
2. It is better to market to a specific demographic who may be interested in your book than to spread efforts too thin.
3. Marketing should never cease. Try to maintain a marketing pace, as well interim hard pushes.
4. It is easier to market more than one book. So write another one.
5. When you have more than one book to sell, you are likelier to sell more books.
6. Choose your book fairs wisely before reserving your table.
7. Book fairs cost: book inventory, table, electricity, hotel accommodations, travel accommodations, props for the table, book marks, and most importantly, your time.
8. Networking at book fairs, writers associations, and conferences is an important marketing tool, you get to learn, sell, and commiserate.
9. Marketing a product on radio or television is easy only if you are prepared. Make sure you know what you are going to say, control the information you release about your book. You want people to still want to buy it and read it. They won’t if you have already given away all the details.
10. Social networking or an online presence works, but only if you work it.
I have had so much fun since I released Dreams Thrown Away
. I am looking forward to its re-release this summer along with its sequel, Split Images. I am still planning to self-publish again. But, this time armed with more polish and more knowledge. If you would like to add to this list, I would love to hear from you.